Pamela Denise Anderson

Name:Pamela Denise Anderson

Born: July 1, 1967 in British Columbia, Canada.

Personal Quote From Pam: "Making love in the morning got me through morning sickness. I found I could be happy and throw up at the same time."

Discovering Pamela: While attending a British Columbia Lions football game, Pam's photo was shown on the stadium screen. The fans went nuts and they brought her down to the football field. That random moment landed Pam a commercial contract with Labatt's beer.

Romantic History: Pam was engaged to Swedish model Marcus Schenkenberg in 2000, but they split in 2001 before they could tie the knot. Pam married rocker Tommy Lee in 1995, but they divorced in 1998. They have two sons together. She married Kid Rock in August of 2006, but that marriage lasted all of four months. In October of 2007, Pam took the plunge again and married Rick Salomon.

Medical Issues: Pam told her fans that she caught Hepatitus C by foolishly sharing a tattoo needle with her ex- husband Tommy Lee. At the time, she was having that famous barb wire tattoo applied to her arm.

Playboy Proud: Pam was proudly named "Playboy Playmate of the Month" in February of 1990. She went on to grace the cover of Playboy eleven times.

Fighting for Pam's Love: Kid Rock and Tommy Lee and (both former husbands of Pam) got into a little fight at the MTV Video Music Awards in September of 2007. Kid Rock apparently took a swing at Tommy and they were both escorted out.

Animal Advocate: As an active member of PETA, she is against inhumane animal testing and is also a vegetarian.

More Quotes From Pamela: "I don't think about anything too much. It freaks me out!" "What I know in life runs the gamut of the "feminist experience." The true meaning of

feminism is this: to use your strong womanly image to gain strong results in society." "I don't really think about anything too much. I live in the present. I move on. I don't think about what happened yesterday." "I don't recommend surgery at all. Women's bodies are beautiful as they are, and I've had a love/hate relationship with my breasts my whole life." "It's terrible because people see stars like JLo and Beyoncé wearing fur and they don't think about the cruelty that goes into it." "I am the ultimate California girl, which is funny, being that I'm Canadian."

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